Our desire is to bring the body of Christ together as one family of brothers and sisters in service to our Lord and Savior. Our vision is that Christians from different denomination and church backgrounds can come together serving the Lord and ministering to those around us in need. What better way to share the Love of Christ, than to show it to one another. We want all churches to have the full support of the body of Christ behind them. When one church starts a ministry and has a need, we want to be able to help them succeed. We are constantly seeking to cast out the worldly notion of every man for himself and take on the Christian mindset of an entire body of Christ.


Below you will find resources and social network options to get you plugged into ministries from various churches and ministries in the Baldwin County and Escambia County area. If you’d like to partner with us and have your ministries, resources, events, and more advertised and distributed to the body of Christ contact us today.


Some of the ways you can connect with what’s going on in the Body of Christ are…




Impact Network Twitter Page

Check out our twitter for information on current events, church happenings, ministry opportunities, resources, and local and current events affecting the Baldwin and Escambia County Areas…

 Click Here>>





Impact Ministries Facebook Page

Check out our Facebook for information on current events, church happenings, ministry opportunities, resources, and local and current events affecting the Baldwin and Escambia County Areas…

Click Here>>





 Impact Ministries Youtube Channel

Check out our Youtube Channel for videos such as the monthly “Impact Update with Rob and Travis” that gives information on current events, church happenings, ministry opportunities, resources, and local and current events affecting the Baldwin and Escambia County Areas, as well as how to videos for playing music, guitar and worship devotionals, testimonies, and more!

 Click Here>>



Impact Ministries Music and Worship

Check out this resource for videos and information for worship and music training and events.